Reinventing DeFi for RWAs

The first ever restake roll up L2 for RWAs.

The New Home of RWAs

Lumia is the world’s first next-gen modular L2 designed to provide deep liquidity, unmatched capital efficiency, and essential infrastructure for the future of DeFi and specifically Real-World Assets (RWAs) using Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN).

Lumia bridges the gap between physical assets and digital finance, making tokenized assets easily accessible on the blockchain - pioneering the next evolution of finance.

Lumia’s Core Strengths

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The Ultimate Infrastructure for RWAs

Lumia specializes in the seamless integration, liquidity provisioning, and infrastructure enabling businesses to efficiently bring their tokenized assets such as real estate, commodities, and financial instruments onto DeFi.

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A Revolution in Liquidity Provisioning with Lumia Stream

Lumia Stream aggregates liquidity from the entire market (CEXs and DEXs) and the most popular chains to create a decentralized solution that makes liquidity available cross-chain via Atomic Swaps with Hashed Time Lock Contracts, ensuring seamless trading of assets.

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Pioneering Scalability, Decentralization, and Fast Finality

Lumia’s innovative Data Availability Committee (DAC) Nodes with the power of zkEVM technology, future-proofs the network and captures economic value for LUMIA token holders and network participants, accelerating the transition from a "Stage 0" to a "Stage 2" roll-up.

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Seamless Onboarding of Web2 using Account Abstraction and Intents

Integrated EIP-4337 and intents technology simplify blockchain interactions, making them more intuitive for mass adoption.

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Institutional-Ready Built-in KYC and Privacy

Employing PolygonID for secure and decentralized identity verification, Lumia ensures user privacy and data security. Lumia offers optional full-scale KYC per wallet, enabling regulated institutions to participate in the RWA ecosystem confidently.

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Maximum Yields Exclusive to Lumia Using Aggregated Native Yield Restaking

Lumia introduces industry-first yield maximization via Delta Neutral Liquidity Provisioning (DNLP) infrastructure stacked with yields derived from various restaking, liquid-staking, and yield farming markets - maximizing capital for financial institutions and retail investors alike.

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Industry-First Intelligent AI Yield Management via zkML and zk-SNARKs

Lumia ensures that trading decisions made by AI align with neural network model predictions without revealing the model's details, providing transparency and trust in yield management for the next generation of Web3 users.

DePIN — Be Part of the Liquidity Revolution with HyperNodes

With just one license, you can access multiple reward pools and multiple yields. Join the revolution and unlock the full potential of Lumia with Lumia’s industry-first decentralized physical infrastructure nodes. Get a HyperNode.

Tech Engineered for the Anticipated $10 Trillion RWA Industry


Lumia Ecosystem Airdrop:

Season 1 - Drop #1 (Coming Soon)


  • Q2 Incentivized Testnet
  • Q3 Mainnet with EigenDA and Decentralized Verifier
  • Q4 Aggregated native yield restaking for RWAs
  • Q1 2025 Integrate With Polygon AggLayer, Passport, Miden
  • Q2 2025 AI Yield Management via zkML for optimized RWA opportunities

Core Contributors


Kal Ali


Yanush Ali


Alexey Koloskov


Deniz Dalkilic


U-Chyung Lim


Mehmet Buyukakarsu


Diego Grassano


Martin Penchev


Our esteemed network of partners, each a testament to their trust in Lumia's vision for innovation and success in DeFi

What People Are Saying About Lumia

"Working with the Lumia team has TRGC very excited for what the future holds as we look forward to our continuted collaboration."

Etiënne vantKruys

Head of TRGC

“It’s really insane to see that you guys managed to bridge centralized liquidity into the Web3 decentralized finance world, and we are really happy to have you on board.”

Sergej Kunz

Co-Founder of 1inch

"Our experience with Lumia has been outstanding! The friendly atmosphere has really enhanced the workflow. Plus, the support team is always responsive and super helpful."

Sasha Ivanov

Founder of Waves

“Lumia Stream unlocks limitless possibilities for the DeFi realms and all the builders seeking to drive scalability further. We see unmatched potential in further collaboration with Lumia."

Max Kan

CMO of Prom